
Welcome to Fancall, the platform that connects fans and Creators through one-on-one video calls. Our app is designed to make the process easy and seamless for both parties. Fans can browse Creators, schedule a call at their convenience. Creators can set their availability, and chat with their fans on their own terms. Our app is also equipped with helpful features such as in-app scheduling, real-time notifications, and seamless video chat. Our App Guide videos provide step-by-step instructions on how to use these features and get the most out of the Fancall experience.

Fancall User Guide ForCreators

In our Creators' App Guide video, we provide a comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Fancall app to connect with your fans on a more personal level. From setting your availability to accepting calls and leaving reviews, we cover everything you need to know to make the most of your Fancall experience.

Fancall User Guide ForFans

Our Fans' App Guide video is the ultimate resource for getting started on Fancall. We provide a detailed walkthrough of how to browse Creators, schedule calls, and leave reviews, as well as tips and tricks for making the most out of your one-on-one video calls. Whether you're a seasoned Fancall user or a newcomer to the app, this video has everything you need to know.

Frequently asked questions

We generate revenue by charging a small service fee in the form of a percentage from Creators' earnings for providing seamless and hassle-free video calling services to all our users. To use the platform for watching YouTube videos and the Fancall Live feature is completely free for all users. For Creators, there are no limits at all on setting the price of each slot (within reason) and the Available slot times and even the number of slots a fan can book in a single call.
We take your privacy and data security very seriously. All our data is housed on encrypted servers for achieving the highest security standards. In the case of Creators, we receive only the “View only” permission from Google for their account verification. This is in line with our high standards of data safety at fancall.
No! We do not have any annoying Ads within Fancall! Under no circumstance would we ever sell your data, or promote 3rd party products to you. You are not the product.
We offer live support via both WhatsApp chat and email. Simply initiate a WhatsApp chat on our site, and a member from our support team will help you as best as they can. A dedicated growth manager will be assigned to all the Creators on the Fancall platform who can avail support via WhatsApp chat, email and even direct calls anytime during the day.
Creators and Fans can discontinue the call by selecting the 3 dots during the call and reporting the other person. When a Fan is reported by a Creator, our quality management team looks into the matter and if Fancall’s terms and conditions are violated, they are banned from using the app and the call amount is transferred to the Creator. Creator can report a Fan even after the completion of the call by going into their call logs and clicking the “Report” button. When a Creator is reported by a Fan, our quality management team looks into the matter and if Fancall’s terms and conditions are violated, they are banned from using the app and/or the call amount is Refunded to the Fan. Fans can request for a refund even after the completion of the call within 24 hours by clicking the “Refund Request” button right in the app.
Fancall is a unique social interaction platform making it the world’s first of its kind. More than 150 different YouTube Channels have already joined the next revolution with new Creators joining daily. All the Creators available on fancall are manually verified to check if they qualify for the platform.
  • Open fancall app.
  • Go to your profile.
  • Tap Settings.
  • Select "Delete account forever".
  • Open fancall app.
  • Go to your profile.
  • Tap "Delete account forever".